Logo Animation

Animate Sci Fi 3D Logo Animation in Adobe After Effects Tutorial

In this tutorial, I’ll guide you through creating an engaging logo animation in After Effects. Let’s get started with the step-by-step process:

Setting Up the Composition

  1. New Composition: Create a composition named “Logo Comp” with the appropriate dimensions, duration, and frame rate to accommodate your logo animation.
  2. Import Logo: Import your logo file as a composition, ensuring it matches the layer size.

Initiating the Logo Animation

  1. Adjustment Layers: Add adjustment layers and effects like Fill to set the tone and appearance of your logo animation.
  2. 3D Strokes Animation: Use the Vegas effect to create animated 3D strokes around your logo. Customize the segment count, length, color, and transparency to achieve the desired effect.
  3. Duplicate and Position: Duplicate the composition and change the position and colors of the duplicated layers to create depth and dynamism in the 3D strokes.

Adding Motion and Depth

  1. Camera Setup: Incorporate a camera layer and null object to animate the movement and rotation of the logo elements in 3D space.
  2. Animating Rotation: Apply rotation keyframes on the X and Y axes to add dynamic movement to the logo elements.
  3. Layer Duplication: Duplicate and position multiple logo layers to simulate movement and depth within the composition.

Finalizing the Logo Animation

  1. Creating Matte Effects: Add a matte layer with effects like Fractal Noise to create a transitioning effect for the logo animation.
  2. Matte Utilization: Use the matte layer as an alpha matte to control the visibility of the logo elements, enhancing the animation sequence.
  3. Refinement: Fine-tune the animation timing, transitions, and visual elements to ensure a seamless logo reveal.

Customizations and Further Enhancements

  1. Additional Elements: Incorporate taglines or text elements beneath the logo, aligning them and using the matte layer to control their appearance.
  2. Visual Adjustments: Explore various options to modify stroke width, colors, and background elements to match your brand’s style.
  3. Enhancing Depth: Consider adding drop shadows or effects like noise to add depth and visual appeal to the logo animation.


Congratulations! You’ve successfully created a captivating logo animation using After Effects. This tutorial equipped you with techniques to animate elements in 3D space, utilize mattes for transitions, and refine the overall animation for a professional finish.

If you found this tutorial helpful, consider subscribing for more insightful tutorials and share it with others. Experiment with variations to customize the logo animation to your specific brand or project requirements.

By following these steps, you’ve learned to create a dynamic logo animation in After Effects. Apply this newfound knowledge to elevate your brand presence through compelling and visually engaging logo animations. Experiment with different effects and styles to suit various projects.

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