Motion Graphics

Create 3d Typography Title in Adobe After Effects | Tutorial & Guide

Welcome! In this tutorial, I’ll guide you through the process of creating a captivating 3D title animation in Adobe After Effects. By following these steps, you’ll be able to create impressive text animations without the need for any external plugins. Basically After effects is widely used for the motion graphics and animations.

You can also watch the video on the tutorial to create the typography animation in after effects

Step 1: Creating the Text Composition

To begin, create a new composition with a width of 960 and a height of 200. Name this composition “Text Composition.” Next, create a new solid and set its color to a vibrant yellow. Add the desired text to the composition, align it as desired, and change the font to Montserrat.

Step 2: Duplicating and Customizing the Text Composition

Duplicate the text composition and change the color of the text to yellow. Modify the background by using the “Fill” option and setting it to black. You now have two text compositions with different color schemes.

Step 3: Adding Animation to the Text Compositions

To animate the text compositions, utilize the “Offset” effect from the Effects and Presets panel. Pre-compose each text composition and apply the Offset effect to each pre-comp. Adjust the values to create the desired movement. For example, move the first text composition from left to right and the second from right to left.

Step 4: Combining the Animated Text Compositions

Create a new composition with a width of 370 and a height of 1920. Rotate the composition 90 degrees and enable transparency and snapping. Add the first text composition and rotate it by 90 degrees as well. Duplicate both compositions and align them side by side, increasing the spacing between them. Duplicate the aligned compositions and move them to the top.

Also See: Kinetic Title Animation Tutorial in After Effects

Step 5: Creating the Final Composition

Create a final composition with a width of 1920 and a height of 1080p. Add a “Minimun Folder” and name it “Text Forms.” Import the vertical composition created earlier and rotate it by 90 degrees. Apply the CC Cylinder effect to the composition, adjusting the parameters to achieve the desired 3D effect. Duplicate the composition and make additional changes to the parameters, such as rotation angles and lighting directions, to create a visually appealing animation.

Also Check How you can create Dynamic Typography in After Effects

Step 6: Adding Effects to the Adjustment Layer

To enhance the overall look of the animation, add an adjustment layer to the composition. Apply the “Transform” effect to the adjustment layer and make adjustments to the scale, skew, and opacity properties. Additionally, apply the “Warp” effect under the distort section and modify the bend, horizontal distortion, and vertical distortion values to further enhance the visual impact of the text animation.

Congratulations! You’ve successfully created a stunning 3D title animation in Adobe After Effects without the use of external plugins. Feel free to customize the colors, rotation axes, and other parameters to make this animation your own. If you enjoyed this tutorial, please subscribe to my channel and share it with others. Thank you for watching, and I’ll see you in the next video!

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