Motion Graphics

Create Title Animation in 3D Background in After Effects

In this tutorial, I’ll guide you through the process of creating a seamless loop text animation in Adobe After Effects. It’s a simple technique that can add a dynamic touch to your videos. So, let’s dive in and get started!

You can also take help from the video here

Step 1: Setting up the Composition

Create a new composition and name it “Main Comp.” Adjust the width to 1920 and height to 1080. The frame rate and duration can be set according to your preference. In this example, we’ll keep it at 10 seconds.

Step 2: Creating the Text Placeholder

Create another composition and name it “Text Placeholder.” Resize it to 1000 width and 250 height. Enable the title action and use the Rectangle Tool to create a shape. Duplicate the shape and change the color of one to yellow and the other to black. Add the desired text and center-align it. Duplicate the text layer and change the color to create a contrast.

See Also : Typography Text Animation in After Effects

Step 3: Animating the Text Placeholder

Place the text placeholder composition into the main composition. To animate it, we’ll use the Motion Tile effect. Adjust the output width to 260 and the output height to 900. Apply the Tile Center option and set a keyframe at the start of the composition. Move to the end of the composition and zoom out while increasing the Tile Center’s Y position slightly.

Step 4: Applying the Turbulent Displace Effect

To enhance the animation, we’ll apply the Turbulent Displace effect. Adjust the amount to around 40 and keep the size at its default value. This effect adds an organic, flowing motion to the text animation.

Step 5: Adding Rotation for Variation

To further enhance the visual interest, we’ll add rotation to the animation. Set keyframes for rotation at the start and end of the composition. You can experiment with different rotation angles to find the desired effect.

See Also How to Create motion title animation in after effects

Step 6: Creating the Seamless Loop

By following the previous steps, you should now have a smoothly animated text loop. The motion tile and displacement effects, along with the rotation, create a seamless loop that can be repeated seamlessly.

Congratulations! You’ve successfully created a seamless loop text animation in Adobe After Effects. By utilizing the Motion Tile, Turbulent Displace, and Rotation effects, you can create dynamic and visually appealing text animations. Feel free to customize the colors, text, and effects to suit your project’s needs. If you found this tutorial helpful, please subscribe to my channel and share it with others. Stay tuned for more exciting tutorials. Don’t forget to check other tutorials

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