
How I created Ink Slideshow Transitions in Adobe After Effects | Easy Guide

Greetings, creative minds! In this tutorial, we’re diving into the captivating world of ink-style slideshows. You’ve probably seen these artistic transitions that add a touch of elegance to videos. Well, today, I’m going to guide you through an easy yet impactful method to craft your very own ink-style slideshow using Adobe After Effects. By the end of this tutorial, you’ll be ready to enhance your videos with a unique and mesmerizing visual effect. Let’s jump right in!

Step 1: Setting Up the Composition

Begin by creating a new composition. I’ve named it “Ink One.” Set the composition dimensions to 1920×1080 pixels, and choose a frame rate of 30, which is the standard for most videos. Adjust the duration to suit your needs – I’ve set mine to two minutes for demonstration purposes. While the background will be transparent, for the sake of preview, change it to white. This sets the stage for your masterpiece.

Step 2: Creating the Ink Text

Select the Type Tool and create a text layer. Feel free to choose any font that resonates with your project’s style. I’ve opted for Arial Bold. Type a word and align it using Ctrl+Alt+Home. In this example, I’ve used the word “Oh.” Here’s where the magic happens: by toggling the Stroke option, we’ll create an intriguing outline effect. Set the stroke color to a slightly darker shade.

Step 3: Animating the Ink Text

The animation starts by making the text disappear. To achieve this, decrease the opacity to 0. After two seconds, bring it back to 100%. Simultaneously, scale the text from 0 to 100% for a smooth reveal effect. Adjust the position slightly for a dynamic appearance. These subtle animations lay the foundation for the mesmerizing ink-style transition.

Here is the Video tutorial for the Post

Step 4: Applying Effects

Here’s where the real transformation takes place. Apply the “Turbulent Displace” effect from the Effects & Presets panel. Tweak the settings – I’ve set the amount to 140 and the size to 244. Adjust the turbulence settings to your liking, and play around with complexity and evolution. This effect adds a dynamic ink flow to your text.

Now, add the “Roughen Edges” effect. This adds an authentic, hand-drawn texture to the text. Enhance the effect by increasing the scale to 820 and adjusting the offset turbulence.

Step 5: Filling the Background

To create a seamless ink effect, use the “Fill” effect. Change the color to black, and increase the text size. This gradual fill gives the illusion of ink spreading across the canvas.

Also See How to Create Motion tile Animation in After Effects

Step 6: Styling with Gaussian Blur

Duplicate the composition and apply the “Gaussian Blur” effect to the duplicate. This layer will provide a blurred ink-style background for added depth and dimension. Adjust the blur to achieve the desired effect.

Step 7: Diversifying the Ink Styles

Now, it’s time to diversify the ink styles. Duplicate the composition again, but this time, experiment with different settings for the “Turbulent Displace” and “Roughen Edges” effects. By altering the parameters, you can create a variety of ink patterns and styles.

Step 8: Assembling the Slideshow

Create a new composition for your images or videos. Name it “Image/Video Placeholder One.” This will be the canvas for your ink-style transitions. Duplicate this composition for the number of ink styles you’ve created. The idea is to overlay each ink-style composition onto this placeholder composition.

Step 9: Bringing in the Ink Styles

Place your ink-style compositions above the placeholder composition. Adjust the track matte settings for each composition to achieve the desired appearance. Tweak the opacity levels to ensure a seamless blend between the ink transitions and the video footage.

Step 10: Final Touches and Playback

Duplicate the placeholder composition and adjust the opacity of the ink-style compositions. By layering these compositions, you can achieve a multi-dimensional effect. Experiment with rotation, opacity, and positioning to refine the appearance.

Step 11: Customizing Text and Background

Add your titles and customize the text as needed. Apply a shadow effect for a gradual text reveal. By using the “Fade Upwards” effect, you can animate the text to appear word by word, adding a dynamic touch to your slideshow.

Step 12: Achieving the Seamless Loop

To create a seamless loop, duplicate the composition and place it at the end of the timeline. Enable time remapping on the second composition, and use the expression “loopOut(type = ‘cycle’, numKeyframes = 0).” This ensures that the animation loops seamlessly, regardless of the video’s duration.

Your Masterpiece Unveiled!

Congratulations! You’ve successfully crafted your own ink-style slideshow using Adobe After Effects. This tutorial has guided you through setting up the composition, creating ink text animations, applying effects, and assembling the final slideshow. Feel free to experiment with colors, animations, and background options to match your creative vision. If you enjoyed this tutorial, don’t forget to subscribe and share with fellow creators. Get ready to mesmerize your audience with your unique ink-style slideshow creations. Happy creating!

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