
How to create Magazine or Book Page Turn Animation Transition in After Effects

Hello, fellow creators! Are you ready to add a touch of elegance to your videos? In this tutorial, we’re going to dive into the world of page turn transitions using Adobe After Effects. This captivating effect will bring a sense of dynamism and sophistication to your video projects. Buckle up, as we’re about to embark on a journey to create stunning page flip transitions that will leave your audience amazed. Let’s jump right in!

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Step 1: Setting Up the Composition

To get things rolling, create a new composition. I’ve named mine “Transition.” Set the composition dimensions to 1920×1080 pixels, with a duration of 10 seconds. A white background will provide a clean canvas for our creative endeavor.

Step 2: Adding the Adjustment Layer

We’ll start by adding an adjustment layer to the composition. This will be the canvas on which our page turn effect will unfold. Search for the “CC Page Turn” effect from the Effects & Presets panel and apply it to the adjustment layer.


Step 3: Importing Images or Videos

Import the images or videos you want to use for the transition. I’ve sourced my images from, a fantastic resource for free visuals. Once imported, the “CC Page Turn” effect will automatically create a subtle animation on these images, giving them a pastel-like appearance.

Step 4: Adding a Border

To enhance the transition effect, let’s add a border to the images. Use the Rectangle Tool to create a shape layer. Adjust the stroke and disable the fill. By enabling the transparency grid, you can ensure the background remains transparent.

Step 5: Setting Up the Page Turn Animation

Fine-tune the animation by altering the “CC Page Turn” effect settings. Change the controls to Classic UI for more precise adjustments. We’ll be focusing on the Fold Position keyframes. Set the first keyframe, then move ahead in time, click on the Fold Position again, and place it on the opposite side. This will initiate the page flip animation.

Step 6: Introducing the Blur

To achieve a realistic page flip effect, add a sense of motion blur. Insert the “Directional Blur” effect to the composition. Adjust the blurred length by increasing it gradually. By starting with a blurriness of zero at the beginning, you’ll create a crisp appearance before the page starts to turn.

Step 7: Adding Depth with Drop Shadow

Enhance the transition’s depth by adding a drop shadow effect to the page. This will create the illusion of the page lifting off the screen. Increase the shadow’s distance and adjust the softness for a subtle yet impactful effect.

Step 8: Creating the Main Composition

Now, let’s create the main composition where the magic happens. Import your primary image or video and place the transition composition above it. By controlling when the transition starts (using the composition’s duration), you can time it perfectly with your video’s flow.

Step 9: Playing with Timing

Experiment with the timing of your transition by adjusting when it appears in the main composition. This timing control allows you to synchronize the page flip with the narrative of your video.

Step 10: Finalizing the Effect

As a finishing touch, ensure that the transition starts smoothly. By applying the transition’s appearance after a brief period, you can create a seamless and natural effect. This gradual reveal adds a layer of sophistication to the overall presentation.

Craft Your Masterpiece

And there you have it – your very own page turn transition using Adobe After Effects! By following these steps, you’ve mastered the art of adding elegance and style to your videos. Whether you’re creating a professional presentation, a captivating slideshow, or a compelling narrative, this page flip effect can elevate your content to new heights. If you found this tutorial helpful, consider subscribing and sharing it with fellow creators. Now, armed with your newfound knowledge, go forth and dazzle your audience with your unique page turn transitions. Happy creating!

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How to Create a Smooth Fast Ramp Transition in After Effects

Transition effects can elevate the visual appeal of your video projects. In this tutorial, I’ll guide you through the process of crafting a smooth roll transition in After Effects, providing step-by-step instructions to achieve a polished effect.

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Step 1 Setting Up the Composition

Begin by creating a new composition in After Effects. Set the frame rate to 25 and duration to 2 seconds. This serves as our canvas for building the transition effect.

  1. Create Composition: Rename it as “Transition.”
  2. Adjustment Layer: Generate a new adjustment layer. Access the CC Reptile preset from the Effects panel.
  3. Configuring CC Reptile: Modify the parameters – expand right and left to 2000. This layer will be pivotal for our transition.

Step 2 Keyframing the Transition Movement

The essence of the transition lies in manipulating the position through keyframes:

  1. Disable Deform Scale: Ensure the position and transform effects are active.
  2. Keyframe Position: Start the keyframe at 15 seconds. Swipe the transition from left to right by adjusting the position towards 3840.
  3. Refining Movement: Delete the keyframe at 3840 and change it to -960 to return to the initial screen by 1 second. At 1 second, set it to 960.

Step 3 Enhancing the Transition Effect

To refine the visual impact and achieve a seamless effect:

  1. Directional Blur: Create a new adjustment layer from 5 seconds to 1 minute and 5 seconds. Apply a directional blur effect.
    • Set blur direction to 90 initially, gradually reducing it to 0 by 1 minute.
  2. Optics Compensation: Employ this effect, adjusting the field of view from the start to create a lens distortion.
    • Enable reverse lens distortion, altering keyframes for a smooth transition effect.

Also Please do check How to Create 3d Typography

Step 4 Finalizing the Composition

Bringing it all together:

  1. Image Addition: Integrate images from to observe the transition’s effect.
  2. Compose the Main Sequence: Create a new composition named “Main Composition,” lasting 12 seconds.
    • Arrange images to appear every two seconds.
    • Add the transition effect at the designated markers.

Customization and Replication

Customize the transition to your preference:

  1. Manipulating Transitions: Duplicate and manipulate the transition for various directions by duplicating and adjusting positions.
  2. Continuous Roster and Motion Blur: Enable continuous roster and motion blur for smoother transitions between images.


Crafting a fast roll transition in After Effects is straightforward and versatile. Feel free to experiment with directions and settings to suit your project’s requirements.

If you found this tutorial helpful, consider subscribing for more insights and share it with others. Stay tuned for the next tutorial!

This guide walks you through creating a smooth roll transition effect in After Effects, enabling you to add dynamic visual elements to your video projects with ease

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