Logo Animation

How to Create Minimalist logo Animation in 5 Minutes in After Effects

In this tutorial, I’ll guide you through creating a sleek and minimalistic logo animation in After Effects. Let’s dive into the steps to bring your logo to life with style and simplicity.

Setting Up the Composition

  1. New Composition: Create a new composition named “Logo Animation” with a resolution of 1920×1080 and a frame rate of 30, lasting 10 seconds.
  2. Background Creation: Add a solid and name it “Background.” Use the ellipse tool to draw an ellipse, applying drop shadow effects for depth and dimension.

Animating the Shapes

Animate the shapes for a dynamic effect:

  1. Scaling Animation: Animate the ellipse shapes by adding keyframes for scaling from larger to smaller sizes, creating a pulsating animation.
  2. Motion Blur and Finesse: Enable motion blur for a smoother animation and fine-tune the scaling to achieve the desired minimalist effect.

Introducing the Logo

Incorporate your logo into the animation:

  1. Importing the Logo: Import your logo as a composition, ensuring it’s separated into layers for easy manipulation.
  2. Adding Depth: Apply drop shadow effects to the logo layers to enhance depth and dimensional.

Refining the Animation

Refine the logo animation and add variations:

  1. Masking and Animation: Use masking techniques to reveal the logo gradually and animate its appearance.
  2. Parenting and Scaling: Utilize null objects for smoother control, scaling the logo for a polished effect.

Final Touches and Variations

  1. Color Variations: Experiment with color combinations for drop shadow effects to complement the logo’s appearance.
  2. Full-Screen Display: Adjust the shape layer to fill the screen, focusing solely on the logo for a clean and impactful presentation.


Congratulations! You’ve successfully created a minimalistic logo animation in After Effects. This animation technique delivers a sleek and stylish presentation for your logo, utilizing simple yet effective design elements.

If you found this tutorial helpful, consider sharing it with others and subscribe for more insights. Stay tuned for upcoming tutorials where we’ll explore more easy and minimalistic logo animations.

This tutorial empowers you to create a clean and stylish logo animation using After Effects. Experiment with variations and effects to personalize your logo’s presentation, making it visually appealing for your brand or project.

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